Thursday, February 18, 2010

My List

1. Visit Pearl Harbor
2. Get My Lip Pierced
3. Live in Ireland
4. Stand in the Ocean
5. Give Blood
6. Meet/Interview Metallica
7. Graduate from College
8. Try Out for American Idol
9. Ride a Mechanical Bull
10. Go to a Movie Premiere
11. Live in an apartment by myself
12. Learn to play the guitar
13. Have a baby
14. Go ice skating and not hurt myself
15. Get married
16. Lose weight
17. Play Mimi in a Broadway production of RENT
18. Have my own line of wedding/formal gowns
19. Grow my hair out, down to the middle of my back
20. Stay at least one week in every state in the USA
21. Drive a NASCAR race car
22. Visit 4 Corners
23. Meet Dog the Bounty Hunter and his family
24. Smoke a cigar
25. Get my PhD